Different Languages, Different Mathematics Learning
Culture shapes pupils’ mathematical learning, their performances and life trajectories of participation (César, 2013a, 2013b). It also contributes to the senses they attribute to mathematical learning (Bakhtin, 1929/1981). Using collaborative work and inter-empowerment mechanisms facilitates knowledge appropriation (César, 2009). This is particularly important for pupils participating in minority cultures, socially undervalued and whose L1 is not the instruction language. Bi-univocal culture mediation (César, 2017b) is important regarding empowerment. We used an instrument to evaluate pupils’ abilities and competencies (IACC), conceived by the Name of the Project team (Machado, 2014), and other mathematical tasks. The goal we address is to trace the differences between their approaches to problems, mathematical reasoning and solving strategies used by pupils whose L1 is ideographic (Creole, Cape Verde) or phonetic (Portuguese). We developed an intrinsic case study (Stake, 1995). The main participants are the pupils from almost 600 classes (all over Portugal and Cape Verde) who participated in the Name of the Project. The analysis of some examples illustrates that L1 shapes pupils’ approaches to problems, mathematical reasoning and solving strategies. This evidence plays an important role in their access to school achievement and in teachers’ understanding about how they can promote pupils’ mathematical learning.
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