Assessing Preservice Teachers’ Digital Creativity in Mathematics


  • Silvia Carvajal University of Barcelona
  • Joaquín Giménez University of Barcelona
  • Vicenç Font University of Barcelona
  • Alicia Sánchez University of Barcelona



In this research, we study and characterize digital creativity as part of the development of digital competence in the initial training of secondary school teachers. The aim of this research is to assess preservice teachers’ digital creativity, identifying several levels of achievement. A rubric is presented as a result of theoretical studies, and with this rubric we analyze the levels achieved by a group of preservice teachers of the Master's program in Teacher Training of Mathematics in Spain. In particular, we analyze 40 master’s final projects where participants reflect on their own teaching practice. Based on this analysis, we present evidence of four levels of development considering each of the dimensions proposed in the tool. Most of the participants achieved the second or third level and we find difficulties in reaching the highest level. We recognize that one of the variables that influence this is the little time devoted to the evaluation of one's own experience in the Practicum and we describe other possible causes.


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