El problema didáctico del álgebra elemental: Un análisis macro-ecológico desde la teoría antropológica de lo didáctico


  • Noemí Ruiz Munzón Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Tecnocampus
  • Marianna Bosch Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Josep Gascón Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



We present a global, synthetic and updated vision of the contributions made by the anthropological theory of the didactic to the problem of teaching elementary algebra. We start by summarising the first results obtained by Yves Chevallard in the 80s that have marked the trend of research on elementary algebra in the anthropological approach. A reference epistemological model of elementary algebra is then proposed. This model provides a new interpretation of the role of elementary algebra in current school mathematics and guides the study of its ecology, that is, the constraints which partially explain the current situation and the conditions that could modify it in a given direction.


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