The complexity of the notion to teach in the assessment of the pre-professional practice of future Ecuadorian mathematics teachers


  • Adriana Breda Universitat de Barcelona
  • Eulalia Calle Universidad de Cuenca
  • Vicenç Font Universitat de Barcelona




Reflections on the complexity of mathematical objects, and the connection of the components of this complexity, are frequent in many of the theoretical approaches used in the area of Mathematics Education. As a consequence of these reflections, there is a tendency for mathematics teachers training to contemplate didactic sequences so that teachers consider the complexity of the mathematical object to be taught in the didactic sequences that they design and implement with their students. In this line, the first objective of this work is to determine the role of mathematics taught in the assessment guide of work practice used by the guidance teachers of the Mathematics Education Career at the University of Cuenca; while the second objective is to describe an instruction process whose objective is to incorporate in this guide the assessment of the mathematics taught, in particular the assessment of the incorporation of the complexity of the mathematical object to be taught. The results show that the guide does not value the mathematics taught and that in the didactic sequences implemented by future teachers according to it, they do not consider the complexity of the object to be taught.


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