Code of good practices concerning gender
This journal is pledged to defend gender equality, to give visibility to the scientific works of female researchers and promote the use of inclusive language in scientific publications. Specifically, this is carried out through the following actions:
- Maintaining genderarity in the journal’s Directorate, Editorial Secretariat, Editorial Board and Advisory Board.
- Having a minimum percentage of 40% of female reviewers.
- Incorporating in the journal’s Editorial Policy a series of specific recommendations in favor of using inclusive language in scientific publications. Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, is respectful towards people, considers differences and promotes equal opportunities for everybody. Articles should not include suppositions about the beliefs of readers and should avoid statements concerning superiority relative to race, sex, culture or any other similar aspect. A language free of bias, using terms that avoid stereotypes, should be used while writing an article. In that regard, authors are encouraged to read any guideline about bias-free language, for instance, APA's online guideline.
- Requiring authors to inform whether the research’s data take sex and/or gender into account or not, with the intention of identifying any differences that may result from it.
- Use of complete names of authors in the works published by the journal.
The magazine has has provisionally received a mention on good practices in gender equality 2022.granted by FECYT Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, public foundation, of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain.