Stories and experiences of long-distance care, the case: Israel and Mexico
The aim of this paper is to present the experiences of long-distance care amongst Spanish-speaking immigrant women in Israel and women living in Mexico, and to compare their experiences of care, where geographical distance is the constant variable. The research was carried out through an exploratory, transversal and non-experimental qualitative study, with non-statistical sampling, for continuous inclusion for convenience. The instrument used was an open questionnaire, based on Patton's in-depth interview structure. The main findings show the need to recognize and value the role of the long-distance caregiver in research and support approaches because of the potential impact of migration and caregivers on acculturation, stress experienced by the long-distance caregiver, the support they both may receive in the country of origin and in the country where they live, as well as the family's perception of them in terms of what caregiving means, all through critical analysis perspectives from gender, interculturality and intersectionality. Finally, the stories of the six participating women show important contributions in the care they provide to their sick family member, the primary caregiver and the rest of the family. Also, the experience of long-distance care was not determined by the length of the distance; the feelings and emotions that these women experience are the same, international migration or migration within the country were not determined.
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