COVID-19 and Care Homes and Nursing Homes Crisis in Spain: Ageism and Scarcity of Resources
The European Welfare State crisis since 2008 has shown the weakness of these European welfare systems to cope with a health crisis such as COVID-19, which in turn has not guaranteed the rights and wellbeing of older people. This article aims at shading light on the scarcity of resources in Spanish care homes and nursing homes system, while analyzing its integrated care failure and the urgent legislative measures implemented to overcome COVID-19 health crisis. At the same time, this paper advocates for a reflexion on ageist practices, so as to foster a debate on the ‘desisntitucionalization’ process of older adults in Spain. In this COVID-19 context, it has become utmost in implementing an older adults’ policy to guarantee older adults rights as vulnerable population; likewise, which has already been done in respect to laws protecting children rights.
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