Active and Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review of the Social Science Literature






The increase in life expectancy and the fact that the Baby Boom generation is approaching old age will require changes in social policies. In this respect, the promotion of active and healthy ageing is vital. To this end, it is necessary to consider all perspectives of ageing in order to work from a holistic perspective. Thus, in order to achieve a holistic approach, it is necessary to know what has been written in the scientific literature in the social field so far on active and healthy ageing, in order to begin to draw lines of action from the institutions and social policies. In this article, a systematic literature review was carried out in the Scopus, Social Service Abstract and Dialnet databases. After a series of discards, a total of 77 articles were analysed. The results show the importance of promoting active and healthy ageing by social institutions and policies. Given that not all people can age in the same way, social inequalities and unfriendly environments create additional barriers and problems for older people to have an active and healthy old age.


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How to Cite

Iantzi-Vicente , S. (2024). Active and Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review of the Social Science Literature. Research on Ageing and Social Policy, 12(2), 127–145.


