Forced Adoption of Technology in Older Adults. A Scoping Review of the Literature
The concept of forced technology adoption in older people has not been explored in depth, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, where people were forced to migrate online in order to carry out their daily activities. A systematic scoping review was developed in English and Spanish-speaking indexed journals between 2020 and 2022, to identify the literature addressing this concept in terms of volume, nature and characteristics and to identify possible gaps that may exist. Using the theoretical framework proposed by Arksey and O'Malley (2005), 117 articles were identified in five different databases, of which only seven met the inclusion criteria and were selected for analysis. The results show that the use of the concept applied in older people is still scarce and that there are opportunities to address it from the resistance produced by this type of adoption and the need to develop public policies that naturalize the access and use of ICT in contexts of crises and catastrophes so as not to leave isolated a vulnerable group of the population.
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