Learning about Educational Research: a Community of Knowledge towards the Writing Developed during our Doctoral Work


  • Emma Quiles-Fernández Centre for Research for Teacher Education and Development University of Alberta Canada
  • Julio Hizmeri Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile.
  • Roxana Hormazábal Fajardo Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile.




This article explores educative experiences we had as doctoral students in a community of knowledge inside the University of Barcelona. We deepen understandings around the process we lived for five years, as well as we point out theoretical and methodological aspects that framed the process itself. Embracing narrative inquiry as methodology, we enhance the need of shifting some of the doctoral training practices that traditional academic systems still hold. Through our stories, we show bumps and tensions that might emerge in living and working in a community of knowledge. We also raise challenges that beginning researchers are currently facing in the educational landscape. Those challenges are related to the ways in which we inquire, approach, attend to, and name the research experience in the context of increasingly high academic demands.


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Author Biographies

Emma Quiles-Fernández, Centre for Research for Teacher Education and Development University of Alberta Canada

PhD, Postdoctoral scholar
Centre for Research for Teacher Education and Development
Department of Elementary Education
University of Alberta

Julio Hizmeri, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Chile.

Coordinador General Unidad de Práctica Pedagógica

Departamento de Didáctica


Roxana Hormazábal Fajardo, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile.


Facultad de Pedagogía


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How to Cite

Quiles-Fernández, E., Hizmeri, J., & Hormazábal Fajardo, R. (2018). Learning about Educational Research: a Community of Knowledge towards the Writing Developed during our Doctoral Work. Qualitative Research in Education, 7(3), 241–264. https://doi.org/10.17583/qre.2018.3482


