My Story, My Identity: Doctoral Students of Color at a Research University


  • Audrey J. Jaeger North Carolina State University
  • Karen J. Haley Portland State University




We are deeply concerned about the small representation of faculty of color in the academy; thus, we address the question of how and why doctoral students of color choose a particular career path. This qualitative research study, through the voices of the doctoral students of color, identifies and explains both the overt and covert obstacles encountered by graduate students of color in their consideration of academic careers. The stories of leading change efforts through the pursuit of an advanced education are stories of individual agency. At the same time, their education was not an individual effort; rather, these students of color pursued an advanced education both for themselves and for others. These results suggest specific implications for practice that focus on the unique perspectives of doctoral students of color.


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Author Biographies

Audrey J. Jaeger, North Carolina State University

Professor, Educational Research & Policy Analysis: Higher Education

Karen J. Haley, Portland State University

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership & Policy


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How to Cite

Jaeger, A. J., & Haley, K. J. (2016). My Story, My Identity: Doctoral Students of Color at a Research University. Qualitative Research in Education, 5(3), 276–308.


