Training University Students in Social Responsibility. A Qualitative Study on a Practicum of a Social Subject







The subject "Social Responsibility" is designed to instil a commitment to Sustainable Development Goals among future professionals. The social practicum of the subject consists of 50 hours of service at associations attending the most vulnerable. The aim of this study is to analyse the meaning of this practicum on the lives of alumni who are now working professions. A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted with the participation of 20 people who met the inclusion criteria. The sample was collected using convenience and snowball sampling. The average age was 32 and 60% of the participants were women. Data analysis was carried out in line with Giorgi's (1997) proposal and according to COREQ (2007) guidelines to ensure the quality of the study. The participants indicated that the practicum was a very significant experience in their lives, in which they discovered values such as empathy, justice and respect. They also developed greater social awareness, especially their sensitivity towards the vulnerable or those with disabilities, while also helping them to be more open-minded towards other realities and, in general, to mature. Finally, the participants noted that they learned to regard their profession as a service to society.


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How to Cite

Reig-Aleixandre, N., García-Ramos, J. M., & De la Calle-Maldonado, C. (2024). Training University Students in Social Responsibility. A Qualitative Study on a Practicum of a Social Subject. Qualitative Research in Education, 13(3), 183–200.


