Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development through Lesson Study: Voices of Vietnamese EFL Teachers at University


  • Anh-Thi Nguyen Can Tho University
  • Huong-Tra Nguyen Can Tho University
  • Hoang-Yen Phuong Can Tho University
  • Thanh-Thao Le Cantho University
  • Trut-Thuy Pham Nam Can Tho University
  • Anh-Thu Huynh-Thi Can Tho University







This study investigated how teachers perceived the benefits and difficulties of implementing a Lesson Study (LS) in the context of English language teaching at a university in Vietnam. The data were collected from six teachers through semi-structured interviews. To analyze the data, two addressing themes (teachers’ perceived benefits and teachers’ perceived difficulties) were focused on while implementing LS. The results generally showed that the teachers believed that LS brought them three benefits: encouraging teachers’ exchange activities and helping them deepen knowledge of lesson content, understanding students’ learning activities and working processes, and promoting teachers’ motivation in pursuing their continuous professional development (CPD). Regarding teachers’ perceived difficulties in LS implementation, they reported lacking confidence in actively implementing LS activities. Additionally, they had difficulties in time management and encountered problems reaching a consensus for joint work due to the influence of muti-faceted aspects. Accordingly, the study provides pedagogical implications for related stakeholders (teachers, students, and policymakers) regarding LS implementation issues contributing to the success of LS implementation in Vietnam and other similar contexts.


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Author Biographies

Anh-Thi Nguyen, Can Tho University

Anh-Thi is currently a lecturer of English at Can Tho University, Vietnam. His main research interests involve pre/in-service teacher training, teacher education and language teaching methodology, particularly in the field of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT). Most of his publications on TBLT and English language teaching were oriented towards the development of a researched-pedagogy. An overarching goal of his research is to promote positive educational practices and experience exchange among researchers, teachers, and the like.

Huong-Tra Nguyen, Can Tho University

Nguyen Huong Tra is a lecturer at Can Tho University. She's obtained her MA and PhD degrees in France. Her research interests include language education, teacher professional development, and learner learning motivation.

Hoang-Yen Phuong, Can Tho University

Phuong Hoang Yen is currently an associate professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University, Vietnam. She carries studies on language teaching approaches, students’ learning autonomy, self-regulated learning strategies and teachers’ professional development. She published articles in different journals and is the editor of one Scopus-indexed book on alternative assessment in language teaching.

Thanh-Thao Le, Cantho University

Thao is a lecturer responsible for teaching language skills courses at Can Tho University. Besides, he is now working as an editor of an international journal entitled Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan, managed by Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara. He is keen on TESOL, educational policies, and classroom-based studies.

Trut-Thuy Pham, Nam Can Tho University

Trut-Thuy is a lecturer who mainly teaches language skills courses and those in translation and interpretation at Nam Can Tho University. Now she is preparing for her Ph.D. studies. She specifically likes doing research in the field of teacher professional development.

Anh-Thu Huynh-Thi, Can Tho University

Huynh Thi Anh Thu is an English Lecturer at General English and English for Specific Purpose Department, School of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University, Vietnam. She obtained her master degree in English Language Teaching in Cantho University. Her main interests are Education and Technology, Blended Learning, Second Language Acquisition and Learner Motivation.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, A.-T., Nguyen, H.-T., Phuong, H.-Y., Le, T.-T., Pham, T.-T., & Huynh-Thi, A.-T. (2024). Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development through Lesson Study: Voices of Vietnamese EFL Teachers at University. Qualitative Research in Education, 13(1), 64–82. https://doi.org/10.17583/qre.12154


