Framing the involvement of men in gender equality in Europe: Between institutionalised and non-institutionalised politics


  • Nadja Bergmann L&R Social Research
  • Elli Scambor Institute for Men's Studies and Gender Research
  • Katarzyna Wojnicka Dissens e.V. - Institut fuer Bildung und Forschung




In order to reach the main goal of the paper, the identification of the impact and effectiveness of strategies and measures which promote gender equality not only in connection to women but also men, an overview of institutionalised practices, men’s involvement in gender equality strategies like gender mainstreaming, as well as men’s participation in international and national networks, organisations and groups are presented. The identification of specific forms of institutionalised and non-institutionalised practices and politics is based on the theoretical model proposed by Michael Messner (2000) and concerns the situation in the European Union.


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How to Cite

Bergmann, N., Scambor, E., & Wojnicka, K. (2014). Framing the involvement of men in gender equality in Europe: Between institutionalised and non-institutionalised politics. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 3(1), 62–82.


