Representation of Javanese Masculinity in The Dangdut Songs Lyric
Modernization provides a major change in the structure of human life, including in relations between men and women in the marriage life. This change creates a new dimensions of masculinity, including those found in the lyrics of dangdut koplo songs. This research was conducted to answer the question, what is the form of the new dimension that represents Javanese masculinity in the lyrics of dangdut koplo songs? This research uses descriptive qualitative method by using Jonet Saltzman Chafetz's concept of masculinity. Chafetz divides masculinity into six areas, namely physical, functional, sexual, emotional, intellectual, and impersonal. The research gives conclusion that the Javanese dangdut songs raise three dimensions of masculinity, namely functional, emotional, and intellectual. The functional dimension places men in the role of breadwinners. The emotional dimension places men in a person with high emotional stability and maturity. Meanwhile, the intellectual dimension presents a male figure with logical, rational, and realistic thoughts.Downloads
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