Mathematics Makes you Feel Attractive. Empowering New Alternative Masculinities in the Context of Mathematics Classrooms
This article studies the relationship between masculinity construction in school and mathematics learning in boys. In this article, we introduce the variables of social interaction and the differentiation between the language of ethics and the language of desire to analyze the aspects related to mathematics learning in schoolboys. The methodology used is a literature review, paying particular attention to the techniques used in the literature and using categorization that emerged during the review to select and analyze the texts. We found several issues that seem to condition mathematics learning in boys that have to do with gender and specific identity construction, namely the dominant traditional masculinities. Moreover, this process is enhanced by the social attraction towards violence processes. However, the literature also contains elements that respond to a different model of masculinity that can be successful in mathematics learning and attractive at the same time, which is related to the New Alternative Masculinities model. We conclude with some recommendations to support this new and attractive model and to rethink research in mathematics achievement in children in the future.Downloads
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