New Alternative Masculinities, the Struggle within and for the Feminism in Higher Education




The participation of men in the feminist movement and the solidarity struggle with victims has been repeatedly questioned by both sexes, as well as their contributions and their solidarity with women. Despite this questioning, throughout history there was men who have positioned themselves against sexism and gender violence, in favor of affective or emotional/sexual or sexual relations, totally free of violence. This article is developed through an auto narrative of a case of overcoming sexual harassment thanks to the interaction and masculine intervention in support and solidarity to the victims of gender-based violence. The narrative is evidenced with the scientific contributions of the main feminist researchers on the new masculinities’ topic. The specific case that succeed in the context of university constitutes a reference of action for men who are positioned with women in the fight against gender violence.


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How to Cite

Foraster, M. J., & Morlà, T. (2019). New Alternative Masculinities, the Struggle within and for the Feminism in Higher Education. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 8(1), 44–65.




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