Brand Communication on Instagram, a Gender Issue? The Role of the Fashion Influencer
Young people have found in the social networks the perfect space to inform and be informed. However, only a few have the ability to influence in purchasing decisions, lifestyle or preferences of the rest. The so-called social influencers have become an active part of brand communication, especially those dedicated to fashion. This research puts the focus on the strategies, resources and calls to participation used for the main Spanish fashion prescribers in their communication through Instagram. The gradual incorporation of men into this sector requires identifying the attitudes and forms of the connection -generating participation- or not taking into account the genre of the author and the type of values he projects. Through content analysis, the communicative activity of the 13 most outstanding characteristics is monitored in 2017. The results show a very similar use of recovery techniques, mainly promotional; dubious compliance with Spanish regulations on advertising - which obliges authors to explicitly state any message that promotes a product or service of a contractual relationship; and the use of the image to build idyllic lives from everyday scenes.Downloads
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