Analysing Masculinity from the Key Theoretical Lenses and Searching for Linkages with Violence against Women
In recent years, masculinity has become an imperative and influential academic discourse in the domain of gender studies. Despite having been explained and theorised from a number of perspectives, it lacks overall clarity and vary widely across different social and cultural contexts. Keeping that perspective in mind, this study drawing a rigorous review of the literature and reflexive analysis has synthesized prominent and pertinent theoretical issues concerning masculinity with the objective of having a succinct as well as methodical understanding of masculinity. This study also aims at developing the linkage between masculinity and violence against women. Despite being viewed as a cause of violence against women; theoretical notions of masculinity and its relation with violence against women remain largely understudied. Overall, the findings of the study confirm that masculinity as a concept is expressed through certain socially accepted ideologies and practices and there are at least three major theoretical developments concerning masculinity. When applied, each of these theories can individually stand as a reason for violence against women. The nexus between masculinity and violence against women is very proximate, and masculinity appears to be a very dominating force for perpetuating violence against women. Nonetheless, further wider empirical studies on masculinity and its relation to violence against women can draw new insights on the issues and enrich the gender studies discipline.
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