Between Vietnam and 9/11: Arnold Schwarzenegger and a New Type of Masculinity in Twins and Kindergarten Cop
In this article, I argue that the 1990s was a culturally pivotal period in the history of the U.S., trapped between the Vietnam War and 9/11. Therefore, realization and representation of such a phenomenon as “masculinity” in the 1990s differs considerably from its portrayal before the decade had started and after it was over. I demonstrate that with the release of Twins (1988) and Kindergarten Cop (1990), Arnold Schwarzenegger became a new hero of the 1990s, showcasing that masculinity of the 1990s was multifaceted. I contend that in the 1990s male masculinity was not defined by the notions of power, aggressiveness, and emotionless anymore, on the contrary, vulnerability, devotion, and care were the aspects that characterized it.
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