Shifting Masculinities in AngloAmerican Countries


  • Eric Anderson University of Winchester




This article provides an overview of the changing nature of
masculinities in several English speaking cultures. The evidence and theory come from numerous investigations into masculinities among both gay and straight male youths in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Collectively, I show that cultural homophobia is rapidly decreasing among young men in these cultures, and that this is particularly true of teamsport athletes. I suggest that the
dominant way of theorizing masculinities over the previous quarter century, hegemonic masculinity theory, is incapable of explaining these changes. Thus, I introduce a new theory, inclusive masculinity theory, and the new heuristic concept of homohysteria, to make sense of the changing nature of young men’s masculinities.


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How to Cite

Anderson, E. (2012). Shifting Masculinities in AngloAmerican Countries. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 1(1), 40–60.


