Queering Catholic Fundamentalism: On Liking Theology in Masculinities Research


  • Kevin Burke University of Notre Dame





This article seeks to build on recent movement in the fields of religion and gender studies in order to analyze and critically reflect on “the relation, confrontation and intersection of gender and religion” (Korte, 2011, p. 2). Here the author works to investigate the possibility that emerges in new forms of analysis that marry theological interventions with masculinities studies as a way to newly attend to patriarchy and fundamentalism. Utilizing feminist Catholic theology, the work addresses unique and recent problems that have emerged in the Church in the face of a new era that appears both more progressive and that has engendered conservative backlash. Along the way the article addresses issues of gender and sexuality as they relate to the priesthood and Pope Francis’ recent assertions linking gender theory to ideological colonization and even nuclear armaments.


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How to Cite

Burke, K. (2015). Queering Catholic Fundamentalism: On Liking Theology in Masculinities Research. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 4(2), 144–162. https://doi.org/10.17583/mcs.2015.1509


