Gender Equality in Vietnam Labour Law: A Critique Toward Sustainable Development
Labor law is traditionally viewed as a crucial mechanism for advancing gender equality in the workplace by providing a framework to eliminate sex-based discrimination and enhance women’s participation in the workforce. As nations strive to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the significance of such laws is amplified, with gender equality not only a key indicator but also an enabler for other SDGs. This study demonstrates that, despite recent reforms in Vietnam's labour law reducing barriers to female employment, pervasive gender inequality persists, fuelled by enduring employment stereotypes that often depict women as victims. To develop a sustainable workforce, Vietnam's labor laws and policies should implement strategies to dismantle these stereotypes. This research suggests transitioning from the traditional approach of female protection to involving men in domestic roles. A strategy targeting men is expected to promote gender equality in the Vietnamese workforce by altering employer perceptions of female employees' maternal roles. From the perspective of masculinity theory, the potential of paternity bonuses is significant; they can enhance women’s career opportunities by alleviating domestic burdens and broadening acceptable roles for men.
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