The Role of Migration Processes in the Creation of New Masculinities
Men are oppressed by the influence of hegemonic masculinities precepts. This study that is within the project PID 2021-1271130D-I00, explores the factors and the mechanisms of masculinities creation, masculinities’ influence ONB migratory processes and hate speeches related to them. For this reason, through qualitative methodology and a phenomenological approach, a sample of eight individuals were given semi-structured interviews to investigate and describe the state of masculinity in Almería. The objectives were to highlight the elements that allow the construction of the autochthonous hegemonic masculinities and to know their relationship with Moroccan immigrants’ masculinities, trying to comprehend whether there has been a hybridization of masculinities. According to the results, the theoretical sample follows some of the new masculinities precepts, as well as the process of otherness that young Moroccans raised in Spain apply to those raised in Morocco. This eventuality confirms that the theory is disconnected from reality, overall, resulting in the fact that people perpetuate ideas which are not in line with reality.
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