Critical Analysis of Aggressive Masculinity and Protective Femininity in Adolescents and Young Adults
Aggressive behaviors in the adolescent and young people is a matter of concern. Research has revealed a greater tendency towards violence in male, but the incidence of gender roles in the different types of violent behavior has also been explored. To analyze the empirical evidence on the influence of gender roles measured by BSRI, in the aggressive behavior of adolescents and young people. A systematic review has been carried out following the PRISMA guidelines of the empirical studies found in Academic Search, PsicInfo, ProQuest and Google Scholar, including 16 studies. The results are not entirely conclusive: some of the studies analyzed indicate a direct and positive relationship between violent behaviors with the masculine gender role, and protective value of femininity in aggressive behaviors. However, some other research find significant relations with high femininity and androgyny with some types of violent behavior. It is relevant that new research address this analysis.
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