Is Teleworking an Opportunity for Male `Joint Responsibility´ at Home?: Egalitarian Men during the Pandemic in Spain


  • Sara Moreno-Colom Centre for Sociology Studies on Life and Work, Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Vicent Borràs-Català Centre for Sociology Studies on Life and Work, Autonomous University of Barcelona




The COVID-19 crisis spurred a large increase in teleworking, with inherent consequences for the use and distribution of time spent on paid, domestic, and caregiving work. This article aims to contribute to the knowledge about the material and symbolic conditions that fostered joint responsibility among men who telecommuted during the lockdown period. A qualitative study of the Spanish case was conducted, based on 25 interviews with different profiles of men, in terms of life cycle and job category, who teleworked during the first months of the pandemic. The results showed a more egalitarian male profile, as telecommuting encouraged men to take joint responsibility within the household. These were fathers with a mid-category job who telecommuted and had young children at home while their partner worked outside the home. All these conditions fostered their greater involvement in domestic and caregiving tasks, which involved internalizing the daily management, organization and planning practices typical of the traditional female role.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Colom, S., & Borràs-Català, V. (2024). Is Teleworking an Opportunity for Male `Joint Responsibility´ at Home?: Egalitarian Men during the Pandemic in Spain. Masculinities &Amp; Social Change, 13(1), 1–19.


