Meanings of Masculinity(s) in Boys and Girls: A Look from Feminist Children's Literature
This report analyzes the meanings that boys and girls have on the configuration of masculinity (s) expressed through feminist children's literature. A qualitative grounded theory design with emergent cut based on symbolic interactionism was used. Five girls and five boys between the ages of eight and ten took part in the research and were interviewed after reading four feminist children's stories. Analysis highlighting that some gender stereotypes related to appearance and behavior are maintained and that positions of power in gender social relations were evoked. In the stories there is an admiration for heroic and powerful male figures, who have the need to act decisively because this becomes a crucial way of positioning themselves to be recognized in society as a man. The meaning of masculinity is understood as a recognition with transformations and variability, especially with regard to emotional expression, the need for control and demonstration; an initial sense of respect for individual configurations of masculinity is identified.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mario Fernando Gutiérrez-Romero, Ana María Novoa-Villegas; Verónica Guzmán-Fonnegra

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