Social Roles Dilemmas among Men with Chronic Disease: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis
Chronic disease conditions can degrade men physically and psychologically which has the effect of making men is not being able to meet social demands about masculinity (ideal self-image for men). This study aimed to develop a conceptual understanding of the dilemmas that occur in men with chronic diseases in carrying out social roles. This was a qualitative meta-synthesis to examine critically all relevant previous qualitative studies. A systematic search strategy was carried out by involving four academic databases: CINAHL, Scopus, ProQuest and Wiley Online Library. Searches were conducted for studies published between 2015 to 2020. Sixteen articles that met the criteria were used in the study. Four themes of the social role dilemmas among men with chronic diseases were constructed: (1) Dilemma of the role of men as father; (2) Dilemma of the role of men as husband; (3) Dilemma of the role of men as the breadwinner; (4) Dilemma of public perceptions: men are physically stronger. Health workers, in particular family health nurses, need to provide an intervention with a psychosocial and gender approach in order to be able to improve men's quality of life.
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