Social Impact Analysis of the University Access Course (GAU) of the Integral Plan for the Roma People of the Generalitat de Catalunya
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The social and educational situation of the Roma People is clearly alarming: only 1% have managed to finish university studies, while almost 35% of the rest of the population have higher education. Anti-Gypsyism, as well as practices not endorsed by the scientific community, such as educational segregation, explain this situation of exclusion. In this sense, from the Integrated Plan of the Roma People (PIPG) a University Access Group (GAU) is being developed for Roma people over 25 and 45 years of age, based on the Educational Action for Family Training Success. This article collects the results of a study carried out within the framework of a final degree project, aimed to analyze the GAU’s impact and the role of PIPG in the social and educational success of the Roma community. The research has been carried out through a qualitative communication methodology, using documentary analysis and in-depth interviews with key actors. The research suggests that both the PIPG and the GAU are clearly contributing to the educational inclusion of the Roma People, and to overcoming the social exclusion of a large part of this community. These results are fundamental to transform the situation of this community, and especially to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the social and educational intervention with the Roma People.
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