Participation in paid employment among the Finnish Roma


  • Simo Mannila (retired)
  • Anu E Castaneda Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare
  • Marianne Laalo Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare
  • Hannamaria Kuusio Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare




The article describes participation in paid work among Finnish Roma, based on data gathered by face-to-face interviews for the Finnish Roma Participation and Well-being Study (n = 234). We wanted to assess the relevance of some explanatory factors for the low paid work rate of the Roma, found in countries with a significant Roma minority, in the light of new material from Finland where the Roma minority is small and rather homogeneous. No earlier studies on their participation in paid work in Finland exist.

The research shows the importance of education to finding paid employment, in compliance with earlier international results. Adherence to Roma culture, too, seems to cause problems to participation in paid employment. We were been able to assess discrimination at recruitment, obviously the key phase for successful or unsuccessful integration of the Roma in the Finnish labour market. Unlike in many countries, in Finland there was no significant difference in the paid employment rate of Roma men and women.


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Author Biographies

Simo Mannila, (retired)

D.Pol.Sc. University of Helsinki, 1993

Adjunct Professor in Sociology, University of Helsinki

Adjunct Professor in Social Policy, University of Turku

Anu E Castaneda, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare

DPhil (Psychology), University of Helsinki, 2010

Research Manager, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare

Adjunct Professor in Health and Clinical Psychology, University of Helsinki

Marianne Laalo, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare

MSocSc (Statistics), University of Helsinki

Guest Researcher, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare

Hannamaria Kuusio, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare

PhD (Public Health), University of Helsinki, 2014

Research Manager, Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare


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How to Cite

Mannila, S., Castaneda, A. E., Laalo, M., & Kuusio, H. (2021). Participation in paid employment among the Finnish Roma. International Journal of Roma Studies, 3(1), 1–23.


