Global, international migrations: a historical phenomenon in the configuration of our multicultural societies


  • Carlota Sole Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



This theoretical article presents some reflections about the broad theme of migration, focusing on the situation of migrants in Europe and Spain. This text was shared as a speech of incorporation in the solemn act of admission to the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (April 2022, Madrid). The specific question of migration and its intersection with the category of ethnic group, and with it, what is related to the migrations of the Roma peoples, is not addressed here. Likewise, what is proposed here also explains grosso modo the characteristics of the factors that have motivated the migratory movements of these peoples. The importance of global, international migration as a subject of study resides in being a historical phenomenon, recurrent in various world latitudes, and in progressively constituting a core part of our multicultural societies, in the context of the so known mundialization, and globalization. In all, it is about accepting that once the sociocultural integration of immigrants within societies has been achieved.


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How to Cite

Sole, C. (2022). Global, international migrations: a historical phenomenon in the configuration of our multicultural societies. International Journal of Roma Studies, 4(3), 218–235.


