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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published or sent to another journal.
  • The file has been formatted with the template provided in Microsoft Word, rtf or wordperfect.
  • Web pages or dois have been added in references where possible.
  • Authors have followed the template format and all illustrations, figures and tables are in the correct place in the text and not at the end of the document.
  • The text meets the bibliographic requirements indicated.
  • The text does not contain personal information or any other information that will make the blind peer review process difficult.

Author Guidelines

We announce that the International Journal of Roma Studies (IJRS) will no longer be published. After five years of dedicated service, the editorial board and Hipatia Press have made the decision to cease operations. We express our sincere gratitude to all editorial board members, contributors, reviewers, and readers who have supported IJRS, especially thanks to the Hipatia Press team for all the support received. Over the years, the journal has played a vital role in making visible high-quality research on Romani Studies and connected fields, contributing to its goal of disseminating research with high social and political impact. Published articles will remain available in our online archive for reference.


Manuscript submissions

All the manuscripts should be sent through the electronic platform where the journal is based (Open Journal System). The articles must be uploaded using the following doc template.

IJRS will not publish more than one article of the same authorship or co-authorship within 24 months period

Manuscripts not fulfilling the author guidelines might be rejected.

Authors responsibilities:

  • Authors are expected to act according to the publication ethics international standards for authors developed by COPE during the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity in Singapore in 2010. These are:
    • The research being reported should have been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and should comply with all relevant legislation.
    • Researchers should present their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation.
    • Researchers should strive to describe their methods clearly and unambiguously so that their findings can be confirmed by others.
    • Researchers should adhere to publication requirements that submitted work is original, is not plagiarized, and has not been published elsewhere.
    • Authors should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work.
    • The authorship of research publications should accurately reflect individuals’ contributions to the work and its reporting.
    • Funding sources and relevant conflicts of interest should be disclosed.
  • Authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process;
  • All authors have to contribute significantly to the research addressing a relevant topic in the area of the social sciences research from a multidisciplinary approach;
  • All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes;
  • Authors are obliged to provide a list of references including the most relevant and current literature;
  • Submitted manuscripts should not be under consideration for publication in other journals.

Changes to authorship:

Authors are strongly advised to ensure the correct author group, and the order of authors at submission. Changes of authorship by adding or deleting authors, and/or changes in Corresponding Author, and/or changes in the sequence of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript.

Evaluation procedure:

When a manuscript is submitted, the editors screen the manuscripts to make sure that all the files have no identifying information on the authors and that the article has not been published elsewhere. Then, in a time period of 15 days maximum from the date of reception of the article, the journal editor will assign it to two external evaluators that will carry out a blind review of the article (double blind peer review). Over the review period of the article, both the names of the authors as well as the evaluators’ will be anonymous.

Peer reviewers are identified by editors of the journal, who are experienced researchers in their fields. The most suitable reviewers are selected according to the submission received and the reviewer’s expertise; also, authors are welcome to suggest suitable reviewers and/or request the exclusion of certain individuals when they submit their manuscripts. When suggesting reviewers, authors should make sure they are totally independent and not connected to the work in any way. It is strongly recommended to suggest a mix of reviewers from different countries and different institutions. When suggesting reviewers, the authors must provide an institutional email address for each suggested reviewer. Please note that the editors may not use the suggestions, but suggestions are appreciated and may help facilitate the peer review process.

The editors are in charge of exploring the reviewer’s reports and exchange opinions with some members of the editorial board in order to make a proper decision whether an article could be publishable or not. The decision is reached through the reviewers’ reports.

Editors check all the reviews done and contrast the reviewers’ notes with the content of the article before sending decisions and reviewers comment to authors. If reviewers do not carry out their duty correctly, editors will delete them from the list and send the article to another reviewer or to a member of the editorial board to carry out a fast-track review of the manuscript.

In cases where editors have doubts after the process of review, they double-check the evaluation with some members of the editorial board, according to their field of specialization, in order to reach an agreement and a decision on the manuscript.

The result of the evaluation will be sent to the authors in a maximum period of 3 months from the date of reception.

A. Guidelines for submission of articles 

In order to ensure originality of the received manuscripts, we recommend the authors to use programs of plagiarism detection. You can visit the following information on iThenticate:

The authors that send a manuscript to IJRS are invited to include their professional data and add their ORCID Id (If they have one). Regarding those authors who do not have this ID, we invite you to register at ORCID on the following web:

Structure of the manuscripts:

  • Title of the paper.
  • Abstract and title of the article in the language of the document as well as in English and Spanish. The abstract should be between 150 and 200 words explaining concisely the reasons and object of the manuscript, the methodology used and the main results and conclusions.
  • 3-5 key words three and five keywords that define the article and serve to identify the content of the work in the language of the article, as well as in English and Spanish.
  • Source of funding: In the case that the research from which the article has been developed has received funding. The name of the agency and the project code must be indicated both in the specific section of the form for sending the article and in the article itself in the section on acknowledgments.
  • Text of the article.
  • Notes (that will go at the end of the document with the endnote format, before the reference list).
  • References.
  • In the case of submitting images, it is necessary to send them in jpeg format with the highest quality.

Style: The manuscripts have to follow the APA style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition, 2020). The following are some citation examples:

[Book] Lareau, A. (2004).Unequal childhoods: Class, race, and family life. Berkeley, CA: University of California.

[Book chapter] Naimark, N. M. (2012). The Russians and Germans: Rape during the War and Post-Soviet Memories. In R. Branche, & F. Virgili (Eds.), Rape in Wartime (pp. 201-219). Palgrave Macmillan. http://10.1057/9781137283399

[Journal article] Lareau, A., & Lopes Muñoz, V. (2012)."You're Not Going to Call the Shots": Structural Conflicts between the Principal and the PTO at a Suburban Public Elementary School.Sociology of Education, 85, 201-208.

Lenght: The manuscripts submitted should have and extension between 4.000 and 8.000 words, including abstract, notes, references and annexes.

Format: The manuscripts should be presented in the format MS Word or RTF. The manuscripts writing style will be Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 13, full justification and without tabulations. Return will only be used to separate sections. Pages will have to be configured with the following margins: 1,41 cm (right), 1,41 cm (left), 1,41 cm (top), 1,41 cm (bottom).

Abbreviations: The only abbreviations that can be used are those universally accepted.

Gender equality: Follow the indications of the guide APA 7th edition for the use of an inclusive language in the writing of the article; Include the full name of the authors who sign the article; Inform about the original data of the research, taking into account the sex in order to allow the identification of possible differences.

Authorship: Authors should avoid disclosing their identity. The name of the author(s) must not appear on any page of the manuscript. This information will be included in the electronic platform and it should not appear in the manuscript sent for review. All authors must be listed in the online platform at the time of submission, including their full name, their affiliation, postal address and electronic address.

Contribution to the preparation of the article: Information on the specific contribution of each of the authors of the submitted article should be provided in a separate document to be attached to the submission. This document will indicate the criteria chosen for the order of signature of each author and the specific contribution of each of them in the preparation of the article. 

Running title: On the first page a running title of less than 25 characters should be included. The title should be informative and specific to explain the meaning and aims of the work.

Language: The manuscripts can be written in Spanish, French or English. Manuscripts submitted should be grammatically correct regardless of the language used. It is responsibility of the authors to ensure that the submitted manuscript follows the language standards required by the publication of the scientific journal. Authors are invited to use the language editing services.

Hipatia Press requires future authors to send the manuscripts with an excellent language edition. If the manuscript is written in a second or third language, it is recommended to first contact a language reviewing service to avoid grammar and style mistakes.


The opinions and contents of the published articles in IJERS are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. In addition, it is their responsibility to obtain the corresponding permits to include published material in other journals or books as well as to reproduce images, texts, tables or figures from other authors.



Privacy Statement

Aviso Legal

En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en Reglamento Europeo de Protección de datos del 27 de abril de 2016 y de Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de España (LOPD), de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, le informamos que al registrarse en esta página, acepta que Hipatia Press, editorial sin ánimo de lucro con CIF B64849292 y dirección en C/ Claramunt, num. 4, local 2, 08030 Barcelona (Spain), gestione los datos personales introducidos según lo establecido en la Política de Privacidad (Enlace).

Política de Privacidad

Información Identidad del Responsable del Tratamiento de Datos Personales:

Hipatia Press es una editorial sin ánimo de lucro centrada en la difusión de revistas científicas y libros en función de su calidad y no de objetivos comerciales.

-        Identidad: (CIF) B64849292

-        Dirección: C/ Claramunt, num. 4, local 2, 08030 Barcelona (Spain)

-        Teléfono: +34 93 302 12 26

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-        Web:

Protección de datos de carácter personal según la RGPD:

Las revistas de Hipatia Press en aplicación de la normativa vigente en materia de protección de datos de carácter personal, informa que todos los datos introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por la misma y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona o entidad.

Estos datos, introducidos a través de formularios, serán almacenados en ficheros automáticos bajo la responsabilidad del Responsable de Tratamiento de Datos Personales anteriormente identificado.

¿Cómo obtenemos sus datos?

Principalmente, obtenemos sus datos a través de la información que nos facilita mediante formularios como son el proceso de registro de la revista o la agregación de colaboradores en el artículo. Siendo esta información: el nombre, apellidos, afiliación, país y correo electrónico. También de forma opcional, puede proporcionarnos el teléfono, dirección postal, resumen biográfico, ORCID e imagen.


Sus datos serán empleados en relación con el rol que emprenda en la revista, pero en general, serán utilizados con fines de notificación, gestión y publicación de los envíos. Estos datos no se compartirán con terceros y siempre serán visibles para los editores y administradores de la revista.

La revista dispone de diferentes roles, los cuales se agrupan en los siguientes: Lector, Autor, Revisor y Editor. Dado que la finalidad de los datos depende del rol que se ejerza en la revista mostramos, a continuación, la finalidad de cada uno de ellos:

  • Lector: los datos serán empleados con fines de identificación y notificación de nuevos números (este último, únicamente en el caso de que el usuario permita las notificaciones).
  • Autor: además de identificación y notificación, se emplearán sus datos con fines de gestión del artículo por parte del editor. Una vez aceptado y publicado el artículo, el nombre, apellidos, afiliación, ORCID y biografía, serán indexados en las bases de datos de la revista y visibles para los lectores y visitantes de la revista, según el convenio firmado.
  • Revisor: debido a la revisión a ciegas, los revisores en ningún momento tendrán acceso a los datos personales del autor. Sus datos personales serán consultados por los editores para ser seleccionados en los procesos de revisión.
  • Editor: los datos personales del editor (nombres, apellidos, afiliación y país) son visibles en la página “Equipo Editorial” con finalidad de identificación.
  • Administrador: el administrador de la revista, es un único rol en posesión del Equipo Técnico de Hipatia Press. Este rol no es partícipe de la actividad editorial y puede consultar y editar todos los datos entrantes en el sistema con fines de gestión y solventar problemas técnicos.

Periodo de retención de sus datos personales

En general, los datos personales proporcionados por el usuario permanecerán en la base de datos, a no ser que el usuario solicite expresamente lo contrario. En este último caso, procederemos a aplicar los derechos derivados del tratamiento de datos. 

Destinatarios de los datos personales

En general, los datos introducidos serán empleados para la identificación y gestión del sistema. Los usuarios que no son partícipes del proceso de publicación, tales como los lectores, sus datos se emplearán para fines de notificación, siendo el destinatario de los datos el propio sistema tecnológico que los tratará para realizar dicha tarea.  Por otro lado, los usuarios activos, tales como autores o revisores, los principales destinatarios son los editores de la revista que emplearán sus datos con fines de notificación, identificación y gestión del proceso de publicación.

También, cabe destacar que algunos datos serán publicados en la página web de la revista, siendo en este caso los destinatarios los propios visitantes. En el caso de los editores, sus datos personales (nombre, apellidos, afiliación y país) serán mostrados en la página “Equipo Editorial” con fines de identificación. Por otra parte, en el caso de los autores, sus datos personales (nombre, apellidos, afiliación, ORCID y biografía) serán visibles en la plana del artículo final publicado, según lo indicado en el convenio firmado.

Finalmente, en relación con los datos de los menores de edad, se necesita un contrato explícito del tutor/a del menor para poder registrarse y gestionar sus datos en el sistema.

Derechos derivados del tratamiento de los datos personales

Los usuarios registrados de Hipatia tienen derecho a:

-        Acceso: solicitar información sobre qué datos personales almacena el sistema y el tratamiento aplicado.

-        Ratificación: solicitar la rectificación de los datos personales.

-        Oposición: pueden oponerse al tratamiento de los datos personales, salvo que estos sean estrictamente necesarios para el proceso editorial, según indica la normativa. A excepción de aquellos artículos que estén publicados que se acogen a Política de la Asociación Hipatia Press,

-        Supresión: pueden solicitar la supresión de sus datos personales siempre y cuando no afecte a los artículos publicados según establece el convenio firmado. En el caso de los datos personales publicados en los artículos ya publicados, se acogerá a la normativa vigente de la Asociación Hipatia Press


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