Access, fees & APCs
The journal is an open access journal, which means that all of its contents are available free of charge for all individuals and their institutions. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search and link the complete text of all articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without being required to ask for permission from their authors and editors beforehand. This definition of open access agrees with the Budapest Open Access Initiative, BOAI The re-utilization of works can be done in the terms listed under the license Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 (CC BY 4.0).
Since its birth in 2012, IJEP has not charged Article Processing Charges (APCs) to the authors for the publication of their manuscripts. From October 2020, IJEP offers open and immediate online access of published articles (Gold Open Access). This access implies expenses associated with both the publication process and the necessary services for publication that, despite the voluntary work that is carried out, are not covered. This work supposes some charges of processing of the articles that should be covered once the articles are accepted by the authors. Therefore, authors will pay 600 euros to cover these charges (plus 21% VAT only applicable to payments from institutions, companies, individuals and professionals residing in Spain; individuals residing in the EU, and companies, organizations and professionals residing in the EU without VAT Number)