Research data policy
The journal encourages authors to store the data gathered for their research in repositories of renowned prestige, both field specific as well as generalist. The goal of this policy is to promote scientific development and ensure that research can be validated, reproduced and analyzed by other studies. To achieve this, it is necessary that all used data are available and with unrestricted access.
The chosen repository must be a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and open access repository. The register of repositories re3data can be consulted, taking into account that each repository has its own rules for deposit.
Data citation. Articles that comply with this recommendation and have stored data in a repository should indicate this expressively in the article, providing a description of the type of data, the name and URL of the repository, the identification code and the data of the license of use and distribution, under the heading “Availability of stored data”.
How to cite data. Data must be cited correctly, following a specific citation style and be listed with the rest of bibliographical references listed in the work. This includes all data used in the investigation, whether gathered by the article’s own author or data elaborated by other authors. Data must be cited correctly to facilitate their subsequent identification, search, recovery and reutilization. In addition to the complete bibliographical reference of the data, the citation must include the univocal and permanent identifier in which they are stored.