Successful Pedagogical Leadership: Bibliometric Analysis from the Web of Science database (2017-2021).
Palabras clave:
The concept of pedagogical leadership (PL) is vague and still developing in the field of Educational Leadership. This article examines the body of knowledge on this elusive term, to extract the key components that constitute the studies of PL in the last five years (2017-2020). The keyword of pedagogical leader* was solely used to search in the Web of Science database, and subsequently narrowed down to 54 reviewed articles through listed criteria for bibliometric analysis. Apart from the global bibliometric descriptions of PL, it is evident that the term pedagogical leadership is an emerging theme in WoS databases and is mostly cited from Nordic and European countries. Future suggestions for eastern scholars are to collaborate with western scholars, to better understand its concepts as compared to other prominent types of leadership such as Transformational, Distributed, and Instructional Leadership.
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