Curriculum Gaps in Public Administration: Perceptions of Academicians and other Stakeholders in the Philippines
This paper aims to examine the limited area of public management education program of more than 70 institutions of higher education learning in the Philippines. The examination focused on distinguishing the variations of experts, college/university administrators, teachers, and students towards developing the public sector/administration management curriculum. To achieve the research objectives, it applies a survey in three phases. The first and second phase deals with questionnaire distribution to Master of Public Administration students, teachers, college administrators, and experts. The third phase was the distribution of questionnaires to all participants who have given their opinion on the proposed curriculum, their objectives, and the subjects/courses. The findings disclosed that the established curriculum confirmed with the Commission on Higher Education standards consisting of the core or professional subjects, research and evaluation, major subjects, and thesis writing. This study is helpful by universities in offering the public sector management curriculum at the master's level.
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