Complexity Leadership: A Theorical Perspective
Palabras clave:
Complex systems are social networks composed of interactive employees interconnected through collaborative, dynamic ties such as shared goals, perspectives and needs. Complex systems are largely based on “the complex system theory”. The complex system theory focuses mainly on finding out and developing strategies and behaviours that foster continuous learning, resonating with new conditions and creativity in organizations with dynamic collaborative management mentality. Complex systems surely need leaders to manage complexity. Complexity leadership could be defined as adaptive mechanisms developed by complex organizations in new conditions required by the information age, rather than technical problems entailed by the industrial age. Complexity leadership is a joint, resultant product of the following three types of leadership: (1) administrative leadership based on strict control and a significant bureaucratic hierarchy (2) adaptive leadership fundamentally based on creative problem solving, resonating with new conditions and learning and (3) action-centered leadership that involves immediate decision-making mechanisms employed in crises and dynamic productivity. The study focuses on complexity leadership within the context of the complexity leadership theory.
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