Dialogic Pedagogical Gatherings: Evolution of Teacher Training for Social Impact





Continuous teacher training is essential for improving the quality of the educational system and the outcomes of learning, coexistence, and inclusion. Throughout the history of education, various training models have emerged, one of the most recent being Dialogic Teacher Training. Dialogic Pedagogical Gatherings, as an implementation of this modality, stand out for their innovation, scientific, and theoretical foundation, providing participants with evidence and bases endorsed by the international scientific community. This article analyzes their distinctive characteristics compared to other forms of teacher training, from the perspective of 27 participants. The presented results address the uniqueness of this space for dialogue and shared knowledge construction, which favors both professional and personal impacts. The contribution of this research to the study of teacher training over the years is discussed, highlighting the relevance of this training modality in the evolution of pedagogical practices oriented toward social impact.


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How to Cite

León-Jiménez, S., Segovia-Aguilar, B. ., & García-Cabrera, M. del M. (2024). Dialogic Pedagogical Gatherings: Evolution of Teacher Training for Social Impact. Social and Education History, 13(3), 188–206. https://doi.org/10.17583/hse.15141


