New Perceptions and Representation in the Museum. The case of the Museu particular from the Perspective of Professionals in the Cultural Sector
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The study analyzes and examines the Museu particular, project of 2021 that set out to turn everyday objects into museum pieces, thus making us appreciate more the heritage around us while acknowledging the role it plays in our lives. The analysis used a methodological model of evaluation with participative strategies. Semi-structured interviews with a range of professionals from the cultural heritage and museum sector provided opinions and feedback on the project. Consequently, it has been possible to establish the characteristics of the project, highlight its successes and identify areas for improvement in its aim to fully reach its target audience. Furthermore, at a time when the role of museums is in transition, this project has studied the notion of self-representation in exhibitions as well as how the digital environment can act as a space for creation, didactics, education and exhibition for cultural institutions.
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