Feudalism, Meritocracy and Sexual Harassment


  • Lidia Bordanoba-Gallego Universitat de Barcelona
  • Olga Serradell Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Teresa Morlà-Folch Universitat de Barcelona
  • Laura Ruiz-Eugenio Universitat de Barcelona
  • Cristina Pulido Autonomous University of Barcelona





Scientific literature has clarified that the contexts of more intense power relations favor sexual harassment and impunity. This article presents the results of a research that has analyzed a legislation aimed at combating sexual harassment that preceded six months earlier the selection and evaluation of faculty. The communicative research methodology followed the criteria of social impact and creation, which are currently required by the European Union research program. In addition to a documentary review, sixteen interviews were conducted, twelve with teachers who led the research that gave rise to these reforms and three with victims who managed to become survivors. The result shows an affirmation shared by all interviewees: the passing of legislation against sexual harassment weakened feudal relationships within universities and made members of the Spanish parliament aware of the need to overcome these relationships through meritocratic evaluation. This result can contribute to a twofold process: that feminisms support democratic and social reforms in universities and that those who elaborate scientific policies know that guaranteeing gender equality and overcoming sexual harassment is the way to promote scientific productivity.


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How to Cite

Bordanoba-Gallego, L., Serradell, O., Morlà-Folch, T., Ruiz-Eugenio, L., & Pulido, C. (2023). Feudalism, Meritocracy and Sexual Harassment. Social and Education History, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.17583/hse.11788


