Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies <p><em><strong>GÉNEROS. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies</strong></em> is an Open Access four-monthly journal from Hipatia Editorial that publishes articles from multidisciplinary research, as well as theoretical discussions about different aspects of gender and feminism. The journal addresses different topics such as gender violence (domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, institutional violence, etc), health and gender (illness and treatment related to gender, physical and psychological welfare, etc), education and gender, theories about love, new masculinities, feminist theory, multiculturality and gender, women and religion, women in history, poverty and gender, femininity models, transsexuality and gender diversity, women and image, gender and media, female leadership and women in organisations and the business world...However, it is not limited to these; there are other articles and other topics accepted always related to gender. All articles accepted for publication are always oriented to the overcoming of inequalities and gender discrimination.</p> <p>This scientific journal accepts original articles and it has a worldwide reach, it incorporates an international vision and includes contributions from all continents.</p> <p>It addresses mainly researchers on the gender issues, as well as professionals in the area. It is also oriented to professionals of education and health practitioners as well as others, whose experience might not be related to gender issues but who are still interested in the topic due to the gender problems arising in their professional domain and in its daily life.</p> <p><em><strong>GÉNEROS </strong></em>is a multilingual Journal which will be Publishing articles in Spanish, French, and English and it will be published in February, June, and October.</p> <p><strong>Peer Review Policy:</strong></p> <p>All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two anonymous referees.</p> <p><strong>Licence: </strong>Until October 5th 2013, Hipatia Press scientific journals were published under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivative License (CC BY NC ND). Hipatia Press journals decided to change the license and use the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) as recommended by the Budapest Open Access Initiative taking into account its commitment with Open Access.</p> Hipatia Press en-US Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies 2014-3613 <p>All articles are published under Creative Commons copyright (CC BY). Authors hold the copyright and retain publishing rights without restrictions, but authors allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, and/or copy articles as the original source is cited.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> The Domestic Work Sector in the European Union: Quantification, Evolution and Policies to Combat Precariousness <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">This article analyzes the domestic work and paid care sector in the countries of the European Union (EU), which includes jobs mostly carried out by women, generally with a serious lack of job protection, low wages, degraded working conditions, informality, precariousness and “invisibility” of tasks, etc. However, these jobs represent essential services for society, since in addition to caring for family members and dependents, personal and domestic care needs must be covered. From an operational perspective, the very characteristics of domestic work do not facilitate the collection of specific statistics necessary for the study of working conditions. This problem of statistical invisibility further slows down progress in establishing measures to improve the quality of employment for these workers. Therefore, it is necessary to address the discussion on the conceptual delimitation of domestic work and the measurement criteria adopted internationally, with special emphasis on those observed in the EU. Finally, the most advanced national regulations that try to reconcile the improvement of the working conditions of women employed in domestic work with the fact of promoting these services to cover the assistance needs of many households with economic difficulties are analyzed.</span></p> Nuria Alonso David Trillo del Pozo Lucía Vicent Valverde Copyright (c) 2024 Nuria Alonso, David Trillo del Pozo, Lucía Vicent Valverde 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 13 1 1 21 10.17583/generos.12699 Prison and Stigma. A Study from a Socio-Educational and Gender Perspective <p>The aim of this study is to analyze different dimensions of social stigma in women inmates in the process of semi-release, based on different variables related to pre-prison and current trajectories, perceptions and realities of stigma, and evaluations of the consequences in life. The research was carried out using quantitative methods in a sample of 310 women prisoners and 66 prison professionals in 31 Spanish prisons by means of a mixed questionnaire. The results show an initial socially favorable self-perception with respect to their reintegration, which contrasts with the opinion of the professionals in the setting, who relate social stigma with the difficulties of reintegration, with women with mental health problems being the worst self-perceived and those of gypsy ethnicity the best self-perceived. The data present the stigma related to the condition of imprisonment and its effects on reintegration, which increases the processes of discrimination, stigmatization, marginalization and exclusion. However, the assumption of the crime committed in those who have carried out programs is encouraging, which shows the importance and need for a socio-educational intervention in the prison context and in the accompaniment that favors social reintegration.</p> Diego Galan-Casado María del Mar García-Vita Rocío Raya-Miranda Fanny T. Añaños Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Galan-Casado, María del Mar García-Vita, Rocío Raya-Miranda, Fanny T. Añaños 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 13 1 22 42 10.17583/generos.12508 Gender Violence in Older Women. A Vision from the Information Centers for Women <p>The objective of this article is to know the characteristics of gender violence in women over 65 years of age based on the perception, assessment and interpretation of workers in municipal information centers for women. For this, a qualitative investigation was carried out in which the in-depth interview was used as a technique for collecting information. The informants, eight women professionals from the legal field, psychology and social work show with their answers that gender violence in the group of women over 65 years of age is invisible and that the most women of this age do not go to the existing services to report their situation. The professionals attribute this situation to causes such as the naturalization of the violence they suffer, resignation, strong economic dependence, social pressure or even the non-identification or recognition of certain types of behaviors as forms of abuse. The main forms of violence against these women are psychological and economic, which is why social and institutional support is essential in their recovery process and in achieving an independent and autonomous life.</p> Ana M.ª Porto-Castro Beatriz García-Antelo Felicidad Barreiro-Fernández Cristina Abeal-Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 Ana M.ª Porto-Castro, Beatriz García-Antelo, Felicidad Barreiro-Fernández, Cristina Abeal-Pereira 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 13 1 43 58 10.17583/generos.13251 Absolute Illiteracy in European Union Policies. Exploring the Intersections of Gender, Migration and Education <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">In the context of a study focused on the absolute illiteracy of migrant women in Europe, this article assesses the extent to which European Union policy instruments on gender, migration and education incorporate an intersectional perspective. The analysis was based in the content analysis of a selected group of EU policy documents and included i) the close and iterative reading and thematic codification of the texts; ii) the word frequency counting of relevant terms; and iii) the assessment of intersectionality through a set of quality criteria. Apart from revealing the invisibility of absolute illiteracy as a policy problem, results confirm previous evidence showing that the presence of intersectional approaches in EU public policy is still marginal. Some attempts to address the intersectionality of gender, migration or education inequalities have been identified in the selected documents, but a comprehensive policy framework to understand and address those inequalities is still lacking. The article adds up to the existing scholarship claiming for more inclusive policies in contemporary European societies.</span></p> Margarida M. Barroso Copyright (c) 2024 Margarida M. Barroso 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 13 1 59 80 10.17583/generos.13203