Rainwater Harvesting as a Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change and Building Women's Autonomy in Brazilian Semiarid


  • Daniela Nogueira University of Brasilia
  • Patricia Mesquita
  • Louise Cavalcante
  • Saulo Rodrigues Filho
  • Carlos Saito




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empirical research


Cisterns Program aims to mitigate drought impacts through strengthening the adaptive capacity of vulnerable inhabitants in Brazilian Semiarid (BSA). Cisterns promote the ability of farmers to adapt to climatic stresses in long run. This article discusses the impacts of the Rainwater Harvesting Program (RHP) on the livelihoods of women in BSA. Policy implementation has been assessed from capacity building and social mobilization to the construction of infrastructure that guarantees rainwater harvesting for human consumption and productive uses. Based on semi-structured interviews applied to case studies in Paraíba, Pernambuco and Ceará states, this article discusses how the gender perspective can improve adaptive capacity. Results from the case studies indicated important changes in female autonomy, greater independence related to water access, resulting in extra time for other activities, including education. Moreover, the availability of water for production has strengthened productive capacity leading to greater food security and well-being. Lastly, it was also reported a sense of economic independence related to income generation from improved production capacity.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, D., Mesquita, P., Cavalcante, L., Rodrigues Filho, S., & Saito, C. (2022). Rainwater Harvesting as a Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change and Building Women’s Autonomy in Brazilian Semiarid. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 11(1), 72–97. https://doi.org/10.17583/generos.6673


