Does University Effect Gender Perceptions of Teacher Candidates in Turkey?: Reasons and Implications
The aim of this study is to reveal the opinions of teacher candidates about gender perception according to gender, university and department variables. Survey model was used to reveal the current situation in the research. The study group consisted of 269 teacher candidates who are studying three different universities in Turkey. In the 2018-2019 academic year. The data of the study were collected using the “gender perception scale”, which consists of expressions about gender roles for women and men and developed by Altınova and Duyan (2013). According to the research findings, the gender variable has a high effect on the participants' perception of gender, and women's gender perception is more positive. The university variable has a medium effect on gender perception. The pre-service teachers' perception about gender is higher in the university, the foundation year of which is older. The variable of department has a low effect on gender perception. Based on the finding of the effect of the university variable that emerged in this research, gender equality index can be examined for all universities
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