Gender-Awareness amongst Brazilian Children Enrolled in Primary Education: Implications for Women’s Rights & Equality


  • Erick da Luz Scherf EBRADI - Brasília. University of Itajaí Valley (UNIVALI) – Itajaí Campus. School for Legal and Social Sciences.
  • Maria de Lourdes Alves Lima Zanatta University of Itajaí Valley (UNIVALI) – Itajaí Campus. School for Legal and Social Sciences.
  • Estefania Tumenas Mello UNIVALI – Itajaí Campus. International Program (UIP).




The general objectives of this article were to investigate what are the perceptions of Brazilian children enrolled in primary education over gender-assigned roles and the place of women in society and to analyze what could be the impacts of their answers on the foreseeable future of women’s rights and equality in contemporary Brazil. This research was drawn from a qualitative approach and our research method was composed of data collection and data analysis through the use of surveys. Our main conclusions were that gender dynamics within the family core influences a lot the perception of children over gender hierarchies, which can result in repeating patterns of gender inequality and in reinforcing pre-assigned roles for women in society. Thus, the role of gender education is paramount in the task of helping these children challenge and question this unequal and often unjust power balance that takes place in their households.  When asked about what they considered to be the role of women in society, the majority of the children surveyed answered that women should work and be responsible for activities such as taking care of the family or doing housework. This vision imposes a burden upon women to follow certain social roles as well as limits the future visions they have for themselves.


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Author Biographies

Erick da Luz Scherf, EBRADI - Brasília. University of Itajaí Valley (UNIVALI) – Itajaí Campus. School for Legal and Social Sciences.

GLD Candidate in Applied International Law at the Brazilian Law School (EBRADI). B.A in International Relations (IR) from the University of Itajaí Valley (Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI) - Itajaí Campus, at the School of Legal and Social Sciences. Junior researcher in the field of Human Rights, integrating the research group entitled "Human Rights and Citizenship", registered with CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and with the School for Legal and Social Sciences of UNIVALI.

Maria de Lourdes Alves Lima Zanatta, University of Itajaí Valley (UNIVALI) – Itajaí Campus. School for Legal and Social Sciences.

PhD in Public Juridical Sciences (University of Minho – Portugal). M.A, and B.A in Law at UNIVALI - Itajaí Campus. Law professor at UNIVALI.

Estefania Tumenas Mello, UNIVALI – Itajaí Campus. International Program (UIP).

B.A in English, M.A in Education, PhD Candidate in Education.


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How to Cite

da Luz Scherf, E., Alves Lima Zanatta, M. de L., & Tumenas Mello, E. (2020). Gender-Awareness amongst Brazilian Children Enrolled in Primary Education: Implications for Women’s Rights & Equality. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 9(1), 25–50.


