Violencia de Género y Resolución Comunitaria de Conflictos en los Centros Educativos


  • Noemí Martín Casabona Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Itxaso Tellado Universitat de Vic



Gender violence is a reality in educational centers of which there is not many data. On the other hand the existing cases are frequently hidden behind general conflicts or bullying. In order to act on this problem, this article is based on two research projects funded by the Catalan Government and the transformational project of Learning Communities to present the community model of conflict resolution. This model is based on the participation of all the community, establishing common norms and egalitarian dialog among other elements.


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How to Cite

Martín Casabona, N., & Tellado, I. (2012). Violencia de Género y Resolución Comunitaria de Conflictos en los Centros Educativos. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 1(3), 300–319.


