Gender Violence in Older Women. A Vision from the Information Centers for Women
The objective of this article is to know the characteristics of gender violence in women over 65 years of age based on the perception, assessment and interpretation of workers in municipal information centers for women. For this, a qualitative investigation was carried out in which the in-depth interview was used as a technique for collecting information. The informants, eight women professionals from the legal field, psychology and social work show with their answers that gender violence in the group of women over 65 years of age is invisible and that the most women of this age do not go to the existing services to report their situation. The professionals attribute this situation to causes such as the naturalization of the violence they suffer, resignation, strong economic dependence, social pressure or even the non-identification or recognition of certain types of behaviors as forms of abuse. The main forms of violence against these women are psychological and economic, which is why social and institutional support is essential in their recovery process and in achieving an independent and autonomous life.
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