Prison and Stigma. A Study from a Socio-Educational and Gender Perspective


  • Diego Galan-Casado National University of Distance Education (UNED)
  • María del Mar García-Vita University of Granada
  • Rocío Raya-Miranda University of Granada
  • Fanny T. Añaños University of Granada



The aim of this study is to analyze different dimensions of social stigma in women inmates in the process of semi-release, based on different variables related to pre-prison and current trajectories, perceptions and realities of stigma, and evaluations of the consequences in life. The research was carried out using quantitative methods in a sample of 310 women prisoners and 66 prison professionals in 31 Spanish prisons by means of a mixed questionnaire. The results show an initial socially favorable self-perception with respect to their reintegration, which contrasts with the opinion of the professionals in the setting, who relate social stigma with the difficulties of reintegration, with women with mental health problems being the worst self-perceived and those of gypsy ethnicity the best self-perceived. The data present the stigma related to the condition of imprisonment and its effects on reintegration, which increases the processes of discrimination, stigmatization, marginalization and exclusion. However, the assumption of the crime committed in those who have carried out programs is encouraging, which shows the importance and need for a socio-educational intervention in the prison context and in the accompaniment that favors social reintegration.


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How to Cite

Galan-Casado, D., García-Vita, M. del M. ., Raya-Miranda, R. ., & Añaños, F. T. . (2024). Prison and Stigma. A Study from a Socio-Educational and Gender Perspective. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 13(1), 22–42.


