Gender Perspective and Access to Positions of Responsibility in Social and Health Care Institutions from the Perspective of social Wor


  • Juana Maria Morcillo-Martínez Universidad de Jaén
  • Isabel Maria Martinez-Salvador Universidad de Almería
  • Maria Victoria Ochando-Ramirez Universidad Internacional de la Rioja UNIR


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Based on the social construction of gender, stereotypes and differential roles are established for each sex, which generate situations of discrimination and inequality for women. This issue materialises in all areas of life, including the workplace, and leads to a different valuation of the functions that men have to carry out compared to those that women have to carry out. The aim of this study is to analyse the key issues that make it difficult for women to occupy positions of responsibility and leadership in health and social care institutions. To do so, we have used a qualitative methodology, interviewing twenty-five female social workers who work in public, private and third sector organisations in different provinces of Eastern Andalusia (Spain). The results show that, despite the fact that the situation of women has improved in recent times, the reality is that there are still barriers and obstacles that prevent us from talking about equality in order to move towards real equality, entrepreneurship and leadership from a gender perspective in social and health institutions.


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How to Cite

Morcillo-Martínez, J. M., Martinez-Salvador, I. M. ., & Ochando-Ramirez, M. V. . (2023). Gender Perspective and Access to Positions of Responsibility in Social and Health Care Institutions from the Perspective of social Wor. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 12(1), 1–27.


