Playful Mediations About the Body of Women and Western Neoliberal Visual Culture


  • Leticia Balzi Universidad Complutense de Madrid



The Gendered Planet is an artistic research project, which analyzes and deconstructs the commodification of women’s bodies in Western neoliberal visual culture in which oppressive identities of women have been historically engineered. This interdisciplinary project uses pedagogies of activism and artistic research methodologies to reflect upon how a repeated action in the contexts of museums and galleries can bring different conversations on the intersections between capitalism, patriarchy, and possible effects on Anthropocene ecologies. This research aims to reveal the strategies, and social as well as environmental consequences through the pedagogical game Not my King which consists of cards that can be used for games and tarot reading.


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Biografía del autor/a

Leticia Balzi, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

PhD doctoranda UCM


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Cómo citar

Balzi, L. (2023). Playful Mediations About the Body of Women and Western Neoliberal Visual Culture . Barcelona Investigación Arte Creación, 11(1).


