Teachers’ Perception of Social Justice in Mathematics Classrooms


  • Ram Krishna Panthi Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Tribhuvan University
  • Bal Chandra Luitel Kathmandu University School of Education
  • Shashidhar Belbase University College, Zayed University




The purpose of this study was to explore mathematics teachers’ perception of social justice in mathematics classrooms. We applied interpretive qualitative method for data collection, analysis, and interpretation through iterative process. We administered in-depth semi-structured interviews to capture the perceptions of three mathematics teachers about social justice in mathematics classroom at three public secondary schools in Kathmandu. We carried out multiple layers of thematic analysis and interpretation of the narratives from the interview data. Altogether five themes on perception of social justice emerged from the analysis of the data. These themes were associated with - equality, equity, fairness, social process, and caring students. Implications of the study have been discussed at the end. 


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Author Biographies

Ram Krishna Panthi, Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal, Tribhuvan University

Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics Education

Bal Chandra Luitel, Kathmandu University School of Education

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics Education

Shashidhar Belbase, University College, Zayed University

Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies


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